Monday, 20 June 2011


Left to Right: Sonali Nayak, Meera Parat, Gowtham Raja, Rusheel Nayak, Krishna Narra
   The first day we arrived at the CORD Center where we were greeted with tea and snacks. Originally, we believed that we were going to be the only volunteers from the U.S. But soon, we met a number of volunteers from the U.S. who had traveled individually. These volunteers were each working on their own specific project that tied into CORD's overarching goal of rural development.  These projects ranged from the implementation of agricultural procedures to the advancement of women within their communities.
    Because our stay at CORD was for only two weeks, it would be unproductive to join a department and leave without completing the project. Mithra Nayak and her kids, Rusheel and Sonali,  from Los Angeles presented various posters that they had bought at a teachers store that discussed topics such as the brushing teeth and washing hands. Tomorrow, we will be talking to Narenderji to discuss where we will be working during our stay at CORD.

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